Design Sprint Agency

Our mission: We guide YOUR CREW through a design sprint

Testing new ideas

Building a minimum viable product can take many weeks. With a design sprint, new ideas can be tested in just one week without risk.

Improve what already exists

Improve customer satisfaction of existing products with a tested prototype - and thus increase sales sustainably.

Results instead of discussions

A design sprint creates results. Discussions are steered in target-oriented directions and scarce time is used effectively.

We all know them: lengthy brainstorming meetings with protracted discussions without concrete results.

Person A: "I think..."
Person B: "On the contrary, I think ..."

And everyone may be right in their own way. But instead of working, the Discussions in length.

Or even better: an MVP has been proclaimed. A minimum viable product that is still not on the market after several months of conception and development.

And after the launch, you often realize that you Developed without the target group in mind has.

A design sprint effectively shortens discussions, involves potential customers at an early stage and compresses several months of work into just a few days. In this way Save time & money!

It does not matter whether existing products are improved or new products are introduced. Even processes can be improved or marketing ideas tested.

With a design sprint, qualitative feedback can be collected within a very short time. Instead of spending weeks or months working on products and ideas, you can in the shortest possible time determine whether you are on the right track - or not.

With webraketen, we have innovative impulse generators and method experts at our side. Thanks to their 360° support during our design sprints, we were able to derive concrete solutions from complex problems.
Michael Schröder

How we can help

Sprint preparation

We take care of the sprint preparation: defining the right challenge, putting together the team, contacting experts, clarifying organizational matters and much more. With good preparation, we ensure that the sprint can be carried out smoothly and in a targeted manner.

Sprint moderation

The facilitator has many tasks during the sprint: Explaining exercises, moderating discussions, adhering to timeboxes, looking after the well-being of the group and much more. They constantly take notes, keep an eye on the big picture and contribute their experience from numerous design sprints to ensure successful and targeted group work.

Prototyping & user testing

Sometimes there is simply not enough time for this during a sprint. On request, we can take on prototyping and user testing to put the theories through their paces.

Follow-up & follow-up

We document the results: From the sprint challenge to the long-term goal and sprint questions to the prototype and the feedback from the test subjects. This makes everything transparent for all participants and interested parties. We also make recommendations on how to proceed with the project.

Start your design sprint with us!

After just 5 days, you have a tested prototype and many new insights. You have gained valuable time and avoided unnecessary investments.

Let's find out together in an initial strategy meeting whether a design sprint is the right format for you.e

In the best of company

Numerous companies rely on the method and have used it successfully: Google, Slack, Bosch, Airbnb, Medium, Daimler, LEGO, Facebook, Vokswagen, Kärcher, Uber, the United Nations, Dropbox, McKinsey, IDEO, the New York Times and many more.

The design sprint method was developed at Google by Jake Knapp.

In these cases, a design sprint is the right choice

An existing product is to be improved

Whether in large corporations or nimble start-ups: anyone who wants to improve an existing product in a low-risk and cost-effective way should consider a design sprint.

A product idea is in the pipeline

Have you ever built a mini viable product? Did it take a few months from the initial idea to implementation? While the basic theoretical idea of the MVP is absolutely right, in practice a lot of time is often lost building an MVP before the first insights are gained. A design sprint saves a lot of money here.

Project status: It's complicated.

Left or right? And then black or white? And in small or large? The more complex the questions become, the more complex and risky a project becomes. A design sprint provides clarity in advance.

The stakes are high

Let's assume that the potential solution fails. What impact would this have on the business? Also consider the investment and opportunity costs. Even with a medium impact, a design sprint pays off by minimizing project risks

We are moving in unknown galaxies

With a design sprint, you can move unerringly through new or changing markets. Digitalization has brought about change in almost all industries. Car manufacturers, publishers and even public institutions are feeling the effects.