Product Owner as a Service - We lead projects to success certified

Our team of experienced product owners leads projects to success using agile methods such as Scrum, OKR or Kanban.

We take responsibility for product management and ensure that all objectives and requirements of the project in scope are met.

Every company is unique and has different needs. That's why we offer tailor-made solutions for specific requirements. With a flexible approach and agile expertise, we can react quickly to changes.

Our goal is to provide seamless and effective project management so that you can focus on what really matters - project success.

The role of the product owner

The tasks of a product owner are diverse. They require a mixture of technical understanding, communication skills and management expertise. A good product owner must be able to understand, record and prioritize the needs of the stakeholders. At the same time, they must ensure that the team is not overwhelmed by the different requirements and stays on track. This is the only way to ensure that a project is also economically successful for an optimal return on investment.

When we take on the role of product owner for other companies, we do not see ourselves as an "external service provider". We put on T-shirts in other company colors and want to be part of the team.

Our Product Owners can take on the following tasks, among others:

  1. Definition of the product vision
    No mission without a vision: The task of the product owner is to create a clear vision for the product. The needs of the stakeholders must be understood and expressed in simple images. This ensures that the team develops the product in the right direction. The vision serves as a fixed star for the team on their mission. It helps the (Scrum) team to focus on what is really important.
  2. Strategic product development
    Once the vision is clear, the next step is to develop the strategy for the product. On request, we can help with the development of the vision, mission and goals. Important KPIs for measuring success can also be derived from this.
  3. Creation of the product backlog
    Another important part of a product owner's work is the creation of the product backlog. This is a list of functions and requirements that the team should implement in relation to the product. The product backlog is a living list that can change over time as new requirements are added or old ones are removed.
  4. Prioritization of the product backlog
    A product owner must be able to prioritize the product backlog. He or she decides which functions and requirements are implemented first based on economic criteria or targets to ensure that the product offers added value for customers as quickly as possible. The needs of the customers, the market requirements and the technical skills of the team are taken into account.
  5. Cooperation with the team
    A product owner works closely with the development team. He or she ensures that the team has a clear understanding of the vision and requirements and that the team takes the right path to implement the product. Our Product Owners are also able to take feedback from the team and respond accordingly.
  6. Monitoring progress
    The Product Owner monitors the team's progress and ensures that the product is developed as planned. They track the team's progress, review the work and take countermeasures if necessary to ensure that the product stays on track.

Advantages: webraketen as a Google Ads agency

As Google Ads agency, we bring our many years of Expertise into the strategy and implementation of your advertising campaigns.

Our promise

  • Transparency: Clear reports on costs and advertising performance and Comprehensible cost structures.
  • Open communication: Joint analysis of successes and failures to continuously improve campaign results
  • Fair price-performance ratio: With us, you get the best value for your budget. Let's face it: only if you are successful can we grow sustainably as an agency.
  • Response speed and support: Fast response times and reliable customer service
  • Ethics: Compliance with the Google Ads guidelines


Our services can be tailored precisely to your needs and individual goals. This combination of expertise and experience makes it possible to develop effective strategies aimed at increasing visibility and maximizing ROI.

Another decisive advantage of working with us as an SEA agency is the significant Time saving for our customers.

Google Ads can be very complex and time-consuming. With us, all Google campaigns are in professional hands, while you can concentrate on your core business. In addition, our effective and transparent Cost management Optimized budget allocation, resulting in lower costs per acquisition and a better return on marketing budgets.

After all, we attach great importance to Transparency in the way we work and ensure that performance data can be accessed clearly and in real time via our individual marketing dashboards. The Continuous optimization of the campaigns is a central component of our service, which means that we are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the campaigns and adapt them to changing market conditions.

Whether push or pull campaigns, we can implement all types of campaigns: Display Ads, PMax campaigns, Google Shopping, Search Ads, Demand Gen etc. An extension with Meta Ads (Facebook Ads and/or Instagram Ads) is also possible through us. And not only SEA: Also as SEO Agency, we are happy to support you and complete your Paid Ads and SEM activities.

Ready for agile success with our product owners?

Request a free strategy meeting with a senior consultant now.

What our product owners bring to the table

Our product owners not only live agility in Scrum projects, but also bring valuable skills with them:

  • Several years of project experience
  • Certifications (e.g. PSPO 1 certification according to Scrum)
  • Pragmatism and methodical strength to solve problems in line with the project objective
  • Ability to familiarize yourself quickly with new issues
  • Team player: We do not see ourselves as an external service provider, but are happy to be part of the crew to achieve your mission goals

Depending on the requirements of the project, we can also bring in different specializations in the areas of strategy development, UI/UX or online marketing. From marketing dashboards and Google Ads to design sprints, we can bring in our specialists across agencies. We operate across all industries and are familiar with the requirements of both the B2C and B2B sectors.