5 tips for successful, modern wine marketing

Wein ist mehr als nur ein Getränk – er erzählt Geschichten, weckt Emotionen und schafft besondere Momente. Genau das transportieren wir im Weinmarketing. Nur das Transportmittel hat sich mit der Digitalisierung in den vergangen Jahren stark verändert. Zeit, neue Wege zu gehen. Dank Onlinemarketing ist es für Winzer heute so einfach wie nie zuvor, mit […]

Optimizing Google Ads: 7 tips for more sales

Want to get more out of your Google Ads campaigns? With the right optimizations, you can improve your visibility in search results, increase your conversion rate and thus maximize your return on investment (ROI). This comprehensive guide provides 7 tips on how to optimize Google Ads campaigns to improve visibility and conversion. #1 - [...]

Dashboarding - effective data visualization made easy

What is dashboarding? It sounds complicated, but it's actually quite simple: dashboarding is the process of creating and using dashboards. These help with the visualization of data and decision-making. Dashboards explained simply Dashboards are a visually appealing presentation of otherwise rather sober or boring figures. In dashboards, figures are graphically [...]

What is SEO?

Around two thirds of all online experiences begin with a search engine. In turn, around 90 percent of the queries there end up on the first page. These figures clearly show why every company should take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO). In this article, we explain how SEO works and then go into the most important benefits and [...]

LinkedIn marketing - you're guaranteed to mess it up with these tips

LinkedIn marketing has exploded in recent months. And so have the tricks used by marketing professionals. "Hello Mr. Kleinschrod, I would be very happy to network with you! MfG, Müller""Hello Mr. Kleinschrod, nice that we are now networked. Here is my offer, when would you like to buy?""HELLO!!!11!!???" We have compiled the best tips for unsuccessful LinkedIn marketing for you. Tip [...]

Difference between Design Sprint and Design Thinking

Design Sprint and Design Thinking have a few things in common. But the bottom line is that they are very different. In almost every design sprint we facilitate, the question of the difference between design sprint and design thinking almost always comes up. What is the difference? While design sprints were only introduced a few years ago by the associated [...]

Native app vs web app vs hybrid app

Native app, web app or hybrid app: if you need an app, you need to ask yourself the question of technology at an early stage. Here you can find help with the decision.